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Crysis 2:

Rating: Platinum
Release(s) Tested: Steam
Application Version: N/A
WINE/Proton Version: GE-Proton 8.1
Test Scope: Entire single-player compaign
Mods: MaldoHD 4.0, NanoContinuity
Input Method: Keyboard & Mouse
Launch Options:
Date of Report: 31 May 2023


Virtually identical to Windows.

Installing & Running

Installs and runs out-of-box on Steam.

Results & Issues

During launch, a message appeared indicating that an "unsupported video card" was detected. I used arrow keys to select OK/continue, at which point the game launched as expected. Although this issue has been reported by other people on Windows, I did not encounter it with my graphics card on Windows; only on Linux.


If you don't want to select a mod each time you launch the game, the desired mod can be preloaded via the following launch option in Steam:

-mod myModName