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Rating: Platinum
Release(s) Tested: Steam
Application Version: N/A
WINE/Proton Version: GE-Proton 8.1
Test Scope: Entire single-player compaign
Input Method: Keyboard & Mouse
Launch Options:
Date of Report: 31 May 2023


The experience is very similar, but not identical to Windows. Some areas of the game perform better, some slightly worse.

Installing & Running

Installs and runs out-of-box on Steam.

Results & Issues

The game ran better than Windows in some areas. Most notably, the poorly-optimized office area before the crusher yard, with the single tank, was perfectly smooth on Linux, but has always stuttered for me on Windows. I did not observe any lag before large explosions (another common Windows issue).

There was sometimes a slight stuttery effect when looking around with the mouse during combat. This occurred uncommonly and I could not directly reproduce it. This may be judder rather than a true stutter, as framerate was not measurably affected. The issue did not affect aim precision and was only a minor annoyance, but prevented the game from feeling perfectly smooth.

Some minor graphical artifacts were observed with terrain and water.

Lip-syncing was very slightly delayed during some cutscenes, by no more than a few tenths of a second.

I experienced occasional, random crashes. The game froze at one point when I pressed Escape to bring up the menu.

The game consistently crashed/froze when attempting to exit it; the only way to stop the game seems to be through the task manager or via Steam.


Intro videos can be skipped by renaming all files beginning with Trailer_ in the Crysis/Game/Localized/Video folder. For example, renaming Trailer_Crytek.sfd to Trailer_Crytek.sfd.BAK will prevent that video from playing.